Back to search. Viburnum hyemale Salisb. Add curb appeal to your home with this dense, evergreen shrub.

Fast growing and multi stemme it produces large, glossy, dark green, leaves which develop . From Autumn it has an abundance of flattened clusters of small . English translation by Mario Beltramini. Show All Show Tabs laurustinus. Commonly known as Laurustinus. Compact growing evergreen shrub with white flowers in winter and spring . Evergreen shrub, 6-ft (- m), upright, rounded.
Plant Characteristics. It is hardy to zone (UK) 7. Outstanding Qualities. In winter, this evergreen shrub produces a profusion of . Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. Adoxaceae) two acylated iridoid glucosides (viburtinoside A and B), a coumarin diglucoside scopoletin . Some plants are born architectural, some acquire architecture and some have architecture thrust upon them.
Visit your local store for the widest range of garden products. Need a hedge in a hurry? This is a case in point.
Distribution and occurrence: Native to northern Africa, the Azores, the Canary Islands, southern Europe, the middle-east and western . Wise gardeners know that the secret behind a really good garden design is to include a. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones to . Flower buds appear from late autumn and continue until. Care, pruning, planting and blooming both in the ground and in pots is easy! A very tough, low maintenance, elegant evergreen shrub with glossy but leathery dark . Als Strauch oder zum kleinen Stämmchen gezogen, bezaubert diese wunderschöne Pflanze den Betrachter Garten. Werden andere Gehölze unansehnlich oder . Silva is an accepted name.
Total ester percentages decreased with ripening both in leaves and fruits. Origin: Mediterranean. Can also be pruned into a small tree. Although old plants reach to about 15-feet-tall, most grow no taller than about feet.
An attractive Winter flowering evergreen shrub that is hardy to heat and reasonable cold. No ObservationsNo Observations.
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