The Dwarf Burning Bush is one of the most beautiful of all shrubs, becomes a different color with each season. Thick, green foliage in summer . Standort: sonnig halbschattig. Wuchs: Laubgehölz: aufrechte, geschlossene Strauchform, dicht, . Boething Treeland Farms grows over 2varieties of trees, shrubs, perennials and specialty plants on . This Proven Winners. Species: alatus (a-LAY-tus) (Info). SynonyCelastrus alatus.
May be pruned in late . Krzew o interesującym kulistym kształcie i wysok. Zobacz w e-katalogroslin. Krzew osiągający m wysokości, pokrój kulisty. Liście zielone, przebarwiają się na ognisty czerwony kolor. Małe wymagania glebowe.
Eem amerikaanse selectie met een bolvormige groeiwijze. Plant this Burning Bush for its brilliant red fall . Callicarpa bodinieri var. La disponibilité du produit est variable selon la . Brand: Proven Winners.

Fireball Burning Bush PW. Verbesserung des populären geflügelten Pfaffenhüttchens. Laubabwerfender Strauch mit . Garden Crossings Online Garden Center offers a large selection of Burning Bush Plants. Laub, roundish oval, remarkable ruby red in autumn. Position, Areas with a wide diversity in vegetation.
It has a dense mounded habit with attractive dark green . Compact, easy to grow shrub provides multi-season interest. The dense foliage makes a wonderful screen or hedge for the summer, then transforms . Family: Celastraceae. RHS Plants for Pollinators plants.

In will blend well with your other foundation or shrub border plantings . Great landscape plant. Surpasses `Compactus` with its better branching, higher level of hardiness and much better. Rzadko spotykana odmiana dekoracyjna za sprawą jesiennego wybarwienia .
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